OCPP 1.6 Configuration Keys

OCPP 1.6 Configuration Keys

This table provides an overview of the standard configuration keys defined in the OCPP 1.6 specification. Each entry includes the key name, whether it is required or optional, its accessibility (read-only or read-write), data type, associated feature profile, and a brief description of its function within the charging system. This resource is essential for configuring and understanding the capabilities of OCPP-compliant charging stations.

Core Profile

Key NameRequired/OptionalRead/WriteTypeDescription
AllowOfflineTxForUnknownIdOptionalRWBooleanIf this key exists, the Charge Point supports Unknown Offline Authorization. If true, Unknown Offline Authorization is enabled.
AuthorizationCacheEnabledOptionalRWBooleanIf this key exists, the Charge Point supports an Authorization Cache. If true, the Authorization Cache is enabled.
AuthorizeRemoteTxRequestsRequiredR or RWBooleanWhether a remote request to start a transaction in the form of a RemoteStartTransaction.req message should be authorized beforehand like a local action.
BlinkRepeatOptionalRWIntegerNumber of times to blink Charge Point lighting when signaling.
ClockAlignedDataIntervalRequiredRWIntegerSize (in seconds) of the clock-aligned data interval.
ConnectionTimeOutRequiredRWIntegerInterval from the beginning of status ‘Preparing’ until an incipient transaction is automatically canceled.
ConnectorPhaseRotationRequiredRWCSLThe phase rotation per connector in respect to the connector’s electrical meter (or if absent, the grid connection).
ConnectorPhaseRotationMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a ConnectorPhaseRotation Configuration Key.
GetConfigurationMaxKeysRequiredRIntegerMaximum number of requested configuration keys in a GetConfiguration.req PDU.
HeartbeatIntervalRequiredRWIntegerInterval of inactivity (no OCPP exchanges) with the central system after which the Charge Point should send a Heartbeat.req PDU.
LightIntensityOptionalRWIntegerPercentage of maximum intensity at which to illuminate Charge Point lighting.
LocalAuthorizeOfflineRequiredRWBooleanWhether the Charge Point, when offline, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers.
LocalPreAuthorizeRequiredRWBooleanWhether the Charge Point, when online, will start a transaction for locally-authorized identifiers without waiting for an Authorize.conf from the Central System.
MaxEnergyOnInvalidIdOptionalRWIntegerMaximum energy in Wh delivered when an identifier is invalidated by the Central System after the start of a transaction.
MeterValuesAlignedDataRequiredRWCSLClock-aligned measurand(s) to be included in a MeterValues.req PDU, every ClockAlignedDataInterval seconds.
MeterValuesAlignedDataMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a MeterValuesAlignedData Configuration Key.
MeterValuesSampledDataRequiredRWCSLSampled measurands to be included in a MeterValues.req PDU, every MeterValueSampleInterval seconds. Default: “Energy.Active.Import.Register”.
MeterValuesSampledDataMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a MeterValuesSampledData Configuration Key.
MeterValueSampleIntervalRequiredRWIntegerInterval between sampling of metering (or other) data, intended to be transmitted by “MeterValues” PDUs.
MinimumStatusDurationOptionalRWIntegerThe minimum duration that a Charge Point or Connector status is stable before a StatusNotification.req PDU is sent to the Central System.
NumberOfConnectorsRequiredRIntegerThe number of physical charging connectors of this Charge Point.
ResetRetriesRequiredRWIntegerNumber of times to retry an unsuccessful reset of the Charge Point.
StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnectRequiredRWBooleanWhen set to true, the Charge Point SHALL administratively stop the transaction when the cable is unplugged from the EV.
StopTransactionOnInvalidIdRequiredRWBooleanWhether the Charge Point will stop an ongoing transaction when it receives a non-Accepted authorization status in a StartTransaction.conf for this transaction.
StopTxnAlignedDataRequiredRWCSLClock-aligned periodic measurand(s) to be included in the TransactionData element of StopTransaction.req MeterValues.req PDU for every ClockAlignedDataInterval.
StopTxnAlignedDataMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a StopTxnAlignedData Configuration Key.
StopTxnSampledDataRequiredRWCSLSampled measurands to be included in the TransactionData element of StopTransaction.req PDU, every MeterValueSampleInterval seconds.
StopTxnSampledDataMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a StopTxnSampledData Configuration Key.
SupportedFeatureProfilesRequiredRCSLA list of supported Feature Profiles. Possible profile identifiers: Core, FirmwareManagement, LocalAuthListManagement, Reservation, SmartCharging, and RemoteTrigger.
SupportedFeatureProfilesMaxLengthOptionalRIntegerMaximum number of items in a SupportedFeatureProfiles Configuration Key.
TransactionMessageAttemptsRequiredRWIntegerHow often the Charge Point should try to submit a transaction-related message when the Central System fails to process it.
TransactionMessageRetryIntervalRequiredRWIntegerHow long the Charge Point should wait before resubmitting a transaction-related message that the Central System failed to process.
UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnectRequiredRWBooleanWhen set to true, the Charge Point SHALL unlock the cable on Charge Point side when the cable is unplugged at the EV.
WebSocketPingIntervalOptionalRWIntegerOnly relevant for websocket implementations. 0 disables client-side websocket Ping/Pong. Positive values are interpreted as the number of seconds between pings.

Local Auth List Management Profile

Key NameRequired/OptionalRead/WriteTypeDescription
LocalAuthListEnabledRequiredRWBooleanWhether the Local Authorization List is enabled.
LocalAuthListMaxLengthRequiredRIntegerMaximum number of identifications that can be stored in the Local Authorization List.
SendLocalListMaxLengthRequiredRIntegerMaximum number of identifications that can be sent in a single SendLocalList.req.

Reservation Profile

Key NameRequired/OptionalRead/WriteTypeDescription
ReserveConnectorZeroSupportedOptionalRBooleanIf this configuration key is present and set to true: Charge Point supports reservations on connector 0.

Smart Charging Profile

Key NameRequired/OptionalRead/WriteTypeDescription
ChargeProfileMaxStackLevelRequiredRIntegerMax StackLevel of a ChargingProfile. The number defined also indicates the max allowed number of installed charging schedules per Charging Profile Purposes.
ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnitRequiredRCSLA list of supported quantities for use in a ChargingSchedule. Allowed values: ‘Current’ and ‘Power’.
ChargingScheduleMaxPeriodsRequiredRIntegerMaximum number of periods that may be defined per ChargingSchedule.
ConnectorSwitch3to1PhaseSupportedOptionalRBooleanIf defined and true, this Charge Point supports switching from 3 to 1 phase during a Transaction.
MaxChargingProfilesInstalledRequiredRIntegerMaximum number of Charging profiles installed at a time.

EVSEAdmin users can manage charging station configuration keys in the “Stations” section under the “Advanced” tab. Use this functionality with caution, as some configuration keys are set by our Central System during the provisioning process after the station boots.